Once you’ve created your Guidethroughs, you will want your end users to be able to play them.
To do this, you first need to publish the Guidethroughs that you want to be made available to end users and then - when deploying Guidethrough for the first time - either copy and paste the code snippet (that is located on the Settings page of your Guidethrough Developer Portal) into your web application or website's HTML or install the Guidethrough Player Chrome Extension on your end users Chrome browers.
Deploying the code snippet or Player Extension is a one-time process.
Unpublished Guidethroughs are not made available to end users.
The publishing process for Guidethrough does not deploy or "push out" any content.
Think of Guidethrough's publishing process like a light switch;
- when a Guidethrough is published it is available for end users to play ("on")
- when it is unpublished it is unavailable to end users ("off").
There are three ways through which Guidethroughs can be published and this article covers these in depth:
How do end users play my Guidethrough web app tours?