The Guidethrough Launchers provide your end users with a curated list of Guidethroughs and other Resources that are specific to each page in your web applications or websites.

The Launcher is accessed by end users through the Guidethrough Player Chrome Extension or the Guidethrough Code snippet and appear as a tab or widget on the screen of your web apps or websites.

End users use Guidethrough's Launcher to:

  • select and play Guidethroughs that show in the Launcher list for the page that the end user is on
  • search for and navigate published Guidethroughs that are not contextual to the page that the user is on
  • select and go to any of the Resources (hyperlinked content) that show in the Launcher list for the page
  • create webpage specific personal Notes; and
  • access a Help Portal

Launchers are activated by clicking the tab, revealing published content available on the page which can be a list of either Guidethroughs or Resources.

Clicking the X icon will minimise the Launcher back to a tab

Searching and Navigating Guidethroughs and Resources

You can search for Resources or Guidethroughs by clicking the search icon on the Launcher

Otherwise you can open a Guidethrough or a Resource by clicking the item from the list.

Clicking a Resource will open a new tab containing the hyperlinked resource.

Clicking a Guidethrough from the Launcher list will start the Guidethrough and will display the first Step of the selected Guidethrough that appears on this specific page.

It is possible that the first Step for the process that is on this page is not the first step in that process as there may be other preceding steps on other pages and, by the same token, subsequent steps in the process (as shown in the Guidethrough Step list) may be on following pages.

To navigate to any specific Step in the Guidethrough, the end user simply clicks on that Step and Guidethrough will navigate to to the webpage where that Step is located and display the Step.

They can then navigate forward or back using the Step controls or jump to a specific Step from the Guidethrough Step list displayed in the Launcher.

As shown in the images below, when an end user starts the Guidethrough they can then use the Guidethrough Step's controls to manipulate its behaviour:

a) Step count. The current Step number out of the total steps within the Guidethrough

b) Name of the current Guidethrough

c) Closes the Guidethrough

d) Step's title

e) Step's description or notes

f) Guidethrough navigation which allows to autoplay of the Guidethrough tour, pause, navigate to the next or previous steps, or restart the Guidethrough once the last step is reached

g) Checking 'Dont show this again' will prevent the Guidethrough from being shown again


It is also possible to navigate from one step to another by clicking the step itself from the Launcher. The Launcher can be minimised to a tab so as to improve screen readability by clicking the >> icon.

Close the Guidethrough by clicking the X icon on either the Launcher or the Step itself.


Accessing a Help Portal

When enabled, a help icon will appear on the bottom right hand corner of an expanded Launcher.

Clicking the (?) icon will open its content on a new tab

Creating webpage specific personal Notes

End users can create their own personal Notes specific to webpages.

To add,edit or delete personal Notes, end users:

1. Navigate to the web application (or website) for which they wish to create Notes on

2. When the page is loaded, click on the "+ Add a Note" icon or the + icon on the toolbar at the top of the Launcher;

3. click the Note and enter text as needed. Once done, click the tick icon to save it. Likewise click the trash icon to delete it.


4. When finished adding notes, click the X icon to return to the Launcher's home page