To create Guidethroughs (step-by-step on-screen guidance for your web applications), Training Guides and Slide Shows (downloadable docx and pptx end user training guides and slideshows including screenshots and step-by-step target application process instructions) after signup you will need to install the Guidethrough Developer Chrome Extension.

Adding the Guidethrough Developer Chrome Extension to your Chrome browser is a simple process.

From your Chrome browser:

Once the Guidethrough Developer Extension has been added to your Chrome browser, to make Guidethrough's 'G icon visible on your Chrome toolbar you will need to 'pin' it to your Chrome menu bar.

Pinning your Guidethrough Developer extension is a fast and convenient way to quickly access the Guidethrough Developer application.

See: How to pin Guidethrough Developer extension

Once you've pinned Guidethrough to your menu bar, the Guidethrough 'G' icon will show.

Go to a new page (or refresh the current web page you are on at the time) and this will display Guidethrough's Developer Extension login screen.

If you haven't already signed-up for a Guidethrough account, then use the Sign Up link and follow the prompts from there to create your account.

Once you have signed-up (or already have an account) just login with the account credentials that you used when you signed up.

On login, the Guidethrough Developer Extension will open as a sidebar and is ready for use.

The extension will allow you to capture, edit, preview and publish Guidethrough web tours and docx and pptx content you create.