Getting Started

Guidethrough QuickStart Overview
A guide for new Guidethrough Developer users from initial signup through to deploying published Guidethroughs to end users and downloading the docx Training...
Wed, 22 Aug, 2018 at 9:42 AM
How do end users play my Guidethrough screen guidance?
Once you’ve created Guidethroughs for your web applications or websites, you will want your end users to be able to view and play them. To do this, you fir...
Mon, 26 Oct, 2020 at 1:07 PM
How to install the Guidethrough Player code snippet - for when you have access to your web application or website's HTML code
The use case here is when you have access to the code for your web applications and websites and where you don't want your end users to have to install ...
Fri, 23 Oct, 2020 at 8:37 AM
Installing the Guidethrough Player Chrome Extension to enable Guidethroughs to play for your end users
There are two deployment methods that you can use to enable end users to view and play your published Guidethroughs. Use the Guidethrough code snippet - e...
Thu, 22 Oct, 2020 at 4:14 PM
How do I install the Guidethrough Developer Chrome Extension?
To create Guidethroughs (step-by-step on-screen guidance for your web applications), Training Guides and Slide Shows (downloadable docx and pptx end user t...
Mon, 26 Oct, 2020 at 1:09 PM
How do I change my password?
If your Guidethrough account has been setup by us, you will have received an automated email confirming your account. The email includes links to the Guide...
Mon, 6 Sep, 2021 at 4:27 PM